+63 (2) 89311958 | +63 (917) 8126789 | +63 (0918) 8345678

Be A Distributor Or Fabricator

Want to be our partner?

Want to be our partner?

Be Our uPVC Windows and Doors Partner-Distributor Now!

How would you like to be a partner of a top provider of uPVC Windows and Doors?

Let’s start with this:

  1. If you are already a uPVC windows and doors fabricator and is currently looking for a reliable supplier, we can help you and give you a good offer you can’t resist!
  1. If you are an architect or engineer with real estate projects, we can provide tools and machines to fabricate your own uPVC windows and doors to cut your costs and maximize profits!
  1. Looking for a new business venture? We have partners who are already successful because of our partnership program. We even provide them lead customers to help them succeed!

Golden Home uPVC is the official distributor of ROTO and Conch in the Philippines. Whether you are a contractor, an engineer, an architect, or an interior designer, you are guaranteed to find the most durable windows and doors in the market for your growing client base.

We invite you to talk and explore ways of growing your business with us. Find out how you can increase productivity, reduce building cost, and fast track your production output by providing you the tools to fabricate your own high-quality and attractive uPVC doors and windows.

For more information, please call: +63 (2) 89311958; 09188345678

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